Movie Review

Vijay’s BEAST — Indian Die Hard with Zero Thrilling factor.

BEAST is not THAT bad as twitter claims, but yes it is an unsatisfying film. No emotional connection. No thrills for a THRILLER. Very amateur writing for a hostage thriller.

All style but no substance. Great camera work by Manoj Paramahamsa. Fantastic music by Anirudh. Almost every department excels from Costume Department to every other tech, except the writing. The protagonist has almost zero conflicts. He escapes from bullets and at times even the missile, even the bad guys don’t do much about what Veera Raghavan’s been doing to them during what that was supposed to be the life’s greatest mission that possibly end their lives. No care about creating the aspect of the terrorists’ side of the story.

The climax is so stupid. At least do a little research on what must be possible for making the scene look authentic or theoretically decent. But AGAIN, Vijay is the only savior in this uninteresting yet an almost bearable watch.

BEAST • 2.5/5 ⭐